Feedback Loop Controller

March, 2014

This project was created in WPF to have an object follow a random target location using a feedback loop controller. A linear scenario was designed where an object moves in one dimension to a target location as well as an angular scenario where an object must rotate to point in a target direction. A controller was designed to have the target location satisfied within a specified time while being constrained to a maximum acceleration. This was achieved by using the error and relative velocity to the target to control the acceleration. A graphing control was also implemented to illustrate the position, velocity and acceleration.

The results appear to resemble that of a second order ordinary differential equation found when analyzing harmonic oscillators and RLC circuits. The difficulty comes in preventing under damped and over damped responses while being constrained to a maximum acceleration.

Linear and Angular Scenario

Controller for a linear scenario. Graphs illustrate the position error, relative velocity to target and output acceleration.
Controller for an angular scenario. Graphs illustrate the position error, relative velocity to target and output acceleration.

Spacecraft Autopilot

A final scenario was created to implement an autopilot system to land a spacecraft onto the ground. This was accomplished by calculating the acceleration needed to land softly and firing the engines when an almost maximum thrust is needed.

Controller for an autopilot to land a spacecraft. Graphs illustrate the height, velocity and output acceleration.